CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 21
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ARexx and arexxll modules
by Irmen de Jong - ijong@gak.nl
Last update: 17-Nov-96
As this document describes the BETA VERSION of the ARexx support there
might be changes to what is described below. This depends on bugs found
and suggestions received. So please: test the ARexx support and let me
hear any problems/bugs/suggestions (ijong@gak.nl).
NOTE: The ARexx support relies on the dos.library support; please read the
documentation on that subject first (Dos_module, python module dos.py).
MODULE: arexxll
File: N/A (builtin)
This module provides the lowlevel ARexx functionality.
IMPORTANT: It is DISCOURAGED to use this module directly, use the arexx
module instead (see below). This is because it is quite likely that in the
future some things will be changed in this module. Furthermore, using the
arexx module instead is much easier.
This module defines:
error - The exception that will be raised when an
error occurs related to ARexx. ('arexx.error')
port() - Function returning a new lowlevel ARexx port object.
The lowlevel ARexx port object is NOT DOCUMENTED.
Use a higher-level object from the ARexx module instead.
errorstring() - Returns string associated with arexx error number:
str = arexxll.errorstring(number)
ARexx message objects
This module also implements the ARexx message object. A message arriving
at a ARexx port will be returned as a ARexx message object (type
'arexxmsg'), which has the following attributes:
reply() - replies the message with the given results.
See rc, rc2 and result. Each message must be replied to!
Messages which are deleted will be replied automatically,
if this is not yet done.
setvar() - sets ARexx variable for result: setvar('varname','value')
getvar() - get value of ARexx variable from caller's environment
wantresult - does the message require a result string? (int/bool)
msg - the message itself (string)
rc - result code for reply() (int)
rc2 - secondary (error) result (string or None)
result - result string (string or None)
For details on passing results to the calling application/ARexx script,
File: ARexx.py
This module implements the Python ARexx support classes and such. You
should use this module and not arexxll directly, if your code must remain
compatible with future versions.
This module defines:
error - The exception that will be raised when an
error occurs related to ARexx. This is the same
exception as the one in the arexxll module.
errorstring() - Returns string associated with arexx error number:
str = arexxll.errorstring(number)
RC_OK - ARexx 'success' return code (0)
RC_WARN - ARexx 'warning' return code (5)
RC_ERROR - ARexx 'error' return code (10)
RC_FATAL - ARexx 'severe failure' return code (20)
class `port'
This is the message port abstraction. Don't create objects of this class
directly! Instead, use one of the derived classes `privateport' or
`publicport'. This class is used as base class for other port classes
class `privateport' (derived from `port')
This is the private ARexx port abstraction. The port is a private one,
which means it has no name (and is therefore not public) and can only be
used to send ARexx messages to other ports (which are public).
Privateport objects are created as follows:
p = arexx.privateport()
Attributes of privateport objects:
port - The lowlevel ARexx port. DON'T TOUCH.
signal - The AmigaDOS signal mask of the port.
Methods defined on privateport objects:
Close the port.
Send a ARexx message to another port. Currently, all pending
messages (if any) are removed before the message is sent.
to = name of port to send message to. (string)
cmd = command to send (string)
async = Asynchronous processing? Default=no (0).
Asynchronous sends will not return a result, but synchronous
sends do, so you should call this method like:
result = p.send('REXX','\"return 4*8',0)
which will put '32' in result. Errors are returned as a 2-tuple
argument (rc,rc2) to the error exception.
Remove all pending messages (if any) from the port.
private-- behavior not documented for private port objects.
Don't use it.
private-- behavior not documented for private port objects.
Don't use it.
class `publicport' (derived from `port')
This is the public ARexx port abstraction. The port is public, so it must
have a name. It can be used for receiving ARexx messages and for sending
them. A publicport is the core of the ARexx host class, see below.
Publicport objects are created as follows:
p = arexx.publicport() # default portname PYTHON
p = arexx.publicport('FOOBAR') # portname FOOBAR
When a port with the desired name already exists, sequence numbers
are automatically appended to the name (PYTHON.1, PYTHON.2 etc).
When you provide a name, it is converted to uppercase.
If it is not a valid ARexx port name, error will be raised.
Valid portnames consist of uppercase letters, digits, decimal
points and underscores, and no other characters.
Attributes of publicport objects:
port - The lowlevel ARexx port. See arexxll module.
signal - The AmigaDOS signal mask of the port.
name - The actual port name.
Methods defined on publicport objects:
Close the port.
See privateport.
See privateport.
Wait until a message arrives. Currently the wait can be aborted
with a ^C signal. This behavior might change in the future.
Receive a message. The message will be removed from the port,
and it is returned as `message' object (see below).
Returns None if no messages have arrived, i.e. this operation
is non-blocking.
class `host' (derived from `publicport')
This is the important one: this class is a complete ARexx host
abstraction! It contains all code for setting up the host, receiving
messages, parsing the commands and dispatching automatically. Setting up
your own ARexx host has never been easier.
An ARexx host is created as follows:
h = arexx.host() # default portname 'PYTHON'
h = arexx.host('FOOBAR') # custom port name
h = arexx.host('FOOBAR',cmds) # custom port name + initial cmds
The port name is used as a public port name. See the notes on
public port names above, at class `publicport'.
The third call above supplies an initial list of commands for this
host. You may also install the list later using the setcommands
member function.
The host has one default command built-in:
This command works as follows. Without args it returns the set of
available commands like this: <#commands> <cmd1> ... <cmdN>. A COMMAND
argument gets help on the specified command: the command template is
returned. The result is usually put into the RESULT variable. RC is the
error code, RC2 is the error string (if any). Use the VAR argument to
specify a variable yourself to put the result into, instead of RESULT. Use
the STEM argument to get the result in a slightly different format:
gets the list of commands like this: X.COUNT will contain the number of
result values (i.e. the number of commands), where X.1, X.2, X.3... will
contain the individual results (i.e. the commands).
The default help service is implemented in the std_help_func command
function, which can be found in the ARexx module.
Attributes of host objects:
commands - dictionary of installed ARexx commands. Keys are the
commands, data is tuple of ArgParser object for the
template and the command function to call.
cmderror - error string for calling app when command is unknown.
Default is 'Unknown command'.
catch - will exceptions in ARexx commands be catched or not (0/1)
Default is 0; don't catch. Beware: the calling app may
freeze if your ARexx command raises an exception (because
the message is not replied to). Just exit Python and
all will be fine.
name - see publicport class
port - see publicport class
signal - see publicport class
Methods defined on host objects:
Close the ARexx port (shutdown the host)
You can also just delete the host object.
Specify a list of commands for this host.
cmdlist = list of commands (4-tuple: command, template,
defaults, function. See setcommand.)
Install a single command for this host
cmd = the command, for instance 'HELP'. Uppercase please.
templ = the argument template, ReadArg() format, for instance
'COMMAND,STEM/K,VAR/K,AMOUNT/N'. See also the ArgParser
class from the `dos' module. You can also specify None,
then no argument parser will be associated with this
command. This means that all arguments are passed straight
to the command function. This can be used for creating ARexx
commands with non-ReadArg() style arguments.
Use the empty string if you want the command to have NO
arguments! This is different than None!
defaults = either None or a dictionary which specifies for some
keywords in the template what the default values are, if
the user doesn't specify them. Example: {'AMOUNT': 10}.
If you use None, some sensible values are chosen,
depending on the types of the keywords.
func = the command function which is associated with this command.
Install (new) default values for a command's argument template
cmd = the command
defaults = see above (setcommand)
Query default values for a command's argument template
cmd = the command
flag= int/boolean argument:
0 : don't catch exceptions. When an exception occurs in an
ARexx command function, your program aborts (=default).
1 : catch exceptions. When an exception occurs in an Arexx command
function, it will be passed back to the calling application as
an error string, while your python program continues.
When a message is present, process it. The arguments will
be parsed according to the command's template and the
correct command function is executed. The following
return codes are defined:
-1 : there were no messages
0 : (false) a command function returned false, i.e. it failed
1 : message processed ok, command function executed ok
Process each pending message untill there are none left.
Enter a wait/dispatch loop until one of the command
functions returns false (0) or an error occurs.
They must be declared like this:
def cmd_func(host,msg,cmd,args)
host = ARexx host object invoking this function
msg = the ARexx message which was received
cmd = the command which was called (string)
args = dictionary of arguments and their valued provided for
this command. See also ArgParser class from `dos' module.
Optionally, this is a regular string which contains
the argument line unchanged. This is the case when the
command has been added without an argument template.
See the setcommand memberfunction of the host class.
They must return either 1 (true) or 0 (false). 0 indicates an error and
will cause the `run' memberfunction of your ARexx host to abort (because
`dispatch' returns 0).
Lets call the message you've received from your ARexx host `M'. First, you
might want to check the value of M.wantresult. If it is zero (false), the
calling app is not expecting any results (if it's an ARexx script, it has
not set `options results'). If it is non-zero (true) the calling app is
possibly expecting a result value (Arexx script has set `options results').
Ofcourse your function should eventually decide if it needs to return a
result value.
M.rc must be set to the appropriate ARexx return code (one of RC_OK,
RC_WARN, RC_ERROR and RC_FATAL). By default it is set to RC_OK (0).
If M.rc is RC_OK (0), put the result string in M.result. M.rc2 remains
unchanged (None). If you must return results in other variables, use
M.setvar to set them. See the implementation of the default HELP command
for how this can be done (the user can ask for the result to be put in
another variable, instead of RESULT).
If M.rc is not RC_OK (0), you should put a secondary result string in
M.rc2. Usually this will be a string describing what went wrong. M.result
does not need to have a value in this case. Other variables (set by
M.setvar) can still have a result value.
When you're done, you must reply the message. This can be done by either
deleting the message or (better) by invoking M.reply() explicitly. The
latter is not necessary but then you must make sure M gets deleted on time,
otherwise the message is not replied to, and the calling app will freeze.
If you require results and you are using an ARexx script, you should issue
the `options results' command first. The following result variables exist:
RC - primary return code
RC2 - secondary result (error)string, if RC != 0
RESULT - regular result value.
If RC is 0, all went well and RESULT will contain the result, if any. RC2
has no value in this case.
If RC is not 0, there was some error and RC2 will contain the secondary
result string, this is usually a string describing what went wrong. RESULT
has no value in this case.
Sometimes it is possible to get the results in other variables than RESULT.
This depends on the function you're calling. The documentation of the
function should say exactly what to expect from it. The default
implementation of the HELP command is such a function: you can specify a
variable yourself instead of relying on RESULT.
The `std_help_func' utility function
This is the default command function connected with the `HELP' command. It
might be a good example of implementing a command function. You might want
to write your own help function, for example to give more extensive help
descriptions. Just use the `setcommand' memberfunction to replace the
existing `HELP' command. Do NOT change the source code of the default help
The `std_debug_func' utility function
When you use this function as a command function for a command, it will
print out some debug information to the screen and reply the command.
Useful for testing or for unfinished commands.